Battlefield 1 Ultimate/Premium+ [Secret answer]

According to the statement from the seller, this account is the property of the seller and was obtained/registered by legal means. The responsibility for the sale of the account rests solely with the seller. The responsibility for potentially breaking the user agreement with the publisher rests solely with the seller. The trading platform Plati does not permit publishing illegal content on the resource pages.

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Sold: 1530
Refunds: 164

Product description

Battlefield 1 Ultimate/Premium+ [Secret answer]

Before you leave a negative review - write about your problem to the seller.
Before buying carefully read all the conditions!
</ attention>
This account has the ability to change the data to yours! Such as mail and password!
</ attention>
❗️ Before buying, read all the conditions carefully!
❗️ Be sure to withdraw the purchase video of the account, so the moment of checking the goods should be in the same video !!!
❗️ Before leaving a negative review - write about your problem to the seller,
we will try to respond as quickly as possible.
We write the message through the form "Correspondence with the seller" (available after payment for the goods). Not to be confused with the form with a REVIEW!
</ attention>
✅ View account - login @ domen: password (data from the Origin input).
✅ Secret answer for changing mail to yours.
❎ Mail to this product is not available!
❎ No refund, only a replacement if the account is invalid when purchased.
================================================== =========
💬 All accounts with licensed games.
================================================== ===============!

Immediately after purchase:
1) Download and install the ORIGIN client
2) Enter the Origin customer.
3) Change data (secret answer, mail, password).
4) Download the game. Play !!!

All accounts with licensed games.
On the account, as a bonus, there may be other games.
</ attention>

Additional information

After buying leave positive feedback for us it is important.

As a gift after purchase you will receive a promo code for subsequent purchases in our store, discount promo code for 5%.

Terms of Purchase:

1. Shop provides you immediately after payment account. All accounts have the form - login @ domen: password. Data from the system Origin.

2. After you purchase an account, his fate is entirely on your shoulders.
3. If the account that you bought is not valid (not suitable login: password), then immediately (within 10 minutes) write a message through the "Correspondence with the seller" (available after payment of the goods). Not to be confused with the form of a review!

If you have an account with this game it is better not to buy this product

If you do not agree with the rules described above - please do not buy the goods.

Good game!

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