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BC (th) part of the diploma
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Product description
1) Safety and environmental proekta.doc
6.Bezopasnost and environmental project
6.1.Analiz working conditions in the data center
6.2.Razrabotka measures to ensure optimal conditions for the work of the visual information processing on PC
2) Safety and environmental project (2) .doc
"Optimization of visual environment in the workplace computer operator"
1. Analysis and assessment of the development of object
1.1 Analysis of the room to operate PC
1.2 Characteristics of electromagnetic radiation VDT.
Parameters 1.3 Operator Workplace
1.4 Parameters of light
2. Design of tools and methods to ensure the required visual computer operator working conditions.
2.1 Basic requirements for coverage based on working conditions
2.2 Tools and methods to ensure the required brightness and uniformity of light distribution
2.3 Calculation of workplace lighting
2.3.1 Identification of regulatory levels of illumination in the workplace.
2.3.2 Selecting the type of light source
2.3.3 Definition of the lighting system
2.3.4 Selecting the layout of general lighting fixtures
2.3.5 Opreledelenie required number of fixtures
2.3.6 Determination of the required quantity of light.
2.3.6 Checking the actual level of illumination
2.3.7 Determining power requirements of lighting
3) Safety and environmental project (3) .doc
5.1. An analysis of working conditions in the workplace.
5.2. The development of measures to reduce the noise level.
4) Safety and environmental project (4) .doc
10.1 Occupational Safety and Health in the development of
10.2 Overview of hazards in the workplace.
10.2.1 Elektrobezopastnost.
10.2.2 Lighting.
10.2.3 Noise.
10.2.4 microclimate.
10.2.5 Fire safety.
10.2.6 Requirements for technical means of PC
10.3 Calculation of lighting operator position.
10.4 Ecological Project
5) Safety and environmental project (5) .doc
12.1. Analysis of dangerous and harmful factors.
Fire safety.
Electrical Safety Information.
The requirements for noise and vibration levels.
Requirements for ventilation, heating and air conditioning.
The requirements for protection against electromagnetic radiation and electrostatic fields.
Ergonomic requirements.
Lighting and eye protection.
12.2. Air conditioning in the data centers.
12.3. Requirements for the selection of CORBA computer.
12.4. Selection of air-conditioning systems and calculation of the number of air conditioners.
12.5. Sustainability of the project.
6) Safety and environmental project (6) .doc
Normalization of neuro-psychological stress on the operator in the implementation of information technology
1. Analysis of dangerous and harmful factors at work with PC
Chemical threats and hazards.
Biologically hazards.
Psychophysiological factors.
2. Normalization of neuropsychiatric stress on the operator in the implementation of information technology
2.1 Analysis of psychophysiological stress
2.2 Workplace with PC
2.3 The organization of work and rest when working with PC
3. Sustainability of the project
Additional information
BC seven parts of the graduation project
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1 month | 3 months | 12 months | |
0 | 0 | 0 | |
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