- Games 328215
- 7 Days to Die 63
- Age of Empires 364
- Age of Mythology 46
- Age of Wonders 240
- ALIEN: Isolation 74
- ArcheAge 11
- ARK: Survival Evolved 67
- Arma 419
- Armored Warfare: Проект Армата 200
- Baldur's Gate 3 111
- Banished 8
- Batman: Arkham Knight 147
- Battle.net 182
- Battlefield 1 132
- Battlefield Hardline 49
- Battlefield V 136
- Black Desert 56
- Blade and Soul 15
- Bless Online 2
- Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare 76
- Call of Duty: WWII 65
- Car Mechanic Simulator 336
- Chess The Gathering 2
- Chivalry 56
- Cities: Skylines 755
- Clash of Clans 32
- Counter-Strike 390
- Crossout 107
- Crusader Kings 330
- Cyberpunk 2077 230
- Dark Souls 289
- DarkOrbit 1
- DayZ 124
- Dead Rising 212
- Destiny 2 636
- Deus Ex: Mankind Divided 117
- Divinity 132
- Don't Starve 268
- Doom 432
- Dragon Age 187
- Dying Light 452
- EA Game Cards (EA Cash Cards) 11
- EA Play/Origin 82
- EA Sports FC (FIFA) 551
- East India Company 6
- Eets 2
- Elden Ring 274
- Elite: Dangerous 75
- Enclave 7
- Endless Legend 17
- Escape from Tarkov 45
- Euro Truck Simulator 922
- Evolve 3
- Fallout 654
- Farming Simulator 424
- Firewatch 16
- Football Manager 82
- For Honor 427
- Formula 1 (F1) 176
- Fortnite 788
- Forza 964
- H1Z1 11
- Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 67
- Heroes of the Storm 18
- Hitman 2016 11
- Homefront: The Revolution 59
- Hunt: Showdown 790
- Hurtworld 7
- Insurgency 338
- Just Cause 2 40
- Just Cause 3 104
- Killing Floor 226
- Kingdom Come: Deliverance 311
- Knights and Merchants 3
- Knockout City 3
- Lords Of The Fallen 121
- Mad Max 69
- Magicka 94
- Metal Gear Solid 196
- Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor 86
- Middle-earth: Shadow of War 97
- Minecraft 512
- Monster Hunter 368
- Murdered: Soul Suspect 29
- NBA 2K 310
- Need For Speed 571
- Nexon 2
- NHL 106
- Nidhogg 7
- No Man's Sky 72
- Overwatch 143
- Path of Exile 158
- Planetary Annihilation 9
- Plants vs Zombies 118
- Playstation Store 1367
- Prison Architect 57
- Project CARS 82
- Prototype 63
- Rainbow Six 345
- Red Dead Redemption 331
- Risen 3 27
- Rocket League 53
- Ryse: Son of Rome 21
- S.T.A.L.K.E.R 259
- Sacred 3 25
- Sniper Elite 362
- South Park 153
- Space Engineers 124
- Space Rangers HD 11
- Spintires 23
- Star Wars Battlefront 123
- State of Decay 64
- Steam Trading Cards 13
- Stronghold Crusader 2 58
- Stronghold Kingdoms 9
- Terraria 73
- The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth 43
- The Crew 295
- The Division 299
- The Evil Within 114
- The Forest 79
- The Long Dark 73
- The Vanishing of Ethan Carter 18
- Trainz Simulator 60
- Tropico 369
- Unreal Tournament 9
- V okope 2
- Valiant Hearts: The Great War 35
- Walking Dead 128
- Warface 102
- Wargame 27
- Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide 191
- Wasteland 72
- Wolfenstein 240
- World of Warplanes 6
- World of Warships 118
- Worms 300
- XBOX: random 1
- XCOM 166
- Elder Scrolls Online 312
- 932
- 4GAME 3
- Age of Conan 9
- Aion 18
- Aliens vs Predator 30
- Aliens: Colonial Marines 29
- Allods Online 2
- Anno 437
- APB (All Points Bulletin) 1
- Assassin's Creed 1315
- Batman: Arkham City 28
- Batman: Arkham Origins 73
- Battlefield 3 77
- Battlefield 4 222
- Battlefield Bad Company 2 16
- BattleForge 1
- BioShock 176
- Borderlands 610
- Brink 4
- Call Of Duty: Black Ops 543
- Call Of Duty: Ghosts 88
- Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare 71
- Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 559
- Company of Heroes 182
- Crysis 149
- CyKash 1
- Dark Messiah of Might and Magic 11
- Darksiders II 62
- Dead Island 388
- Dead Space 258
- Demigod 2
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution 47
- Devil May Cry 405
- Diablo 3 74
- Dirt 292
- Dishonored 112
- Dota 2 643
- Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 166
- Enemy Territory: Quake Wars 1
- Eve Online 32
- Far Cry 962
- FEAR 70
- Final Fantasy 537
- Forgotten Dimensions 7
- Galactic Manager 6
- Garry's Mod 34
- Ghost Recon 339
- Grand Theft Auto (GTA) 483
- Grid 115
- Guild Wars 2 75
- Half-Life 89
- Hitman Absolution 35
- Injustice 163
- League of Legends 89
- Left 4 Dead 2 36
- LEGO 1228
- Lineage II 60
- Lord of the Rings Online 8
- Lost Planet 3 22
- Mafia 281
- Mass Effect 144
- Max Payne 3 34
- Medal of Honor 32
- Metro 424
- Might & Magic: Heroes 93
- Mortal Kombat 1019
- Mortal Online 10
- Mount & Blade 153
- Nintendo 471
- Payday 624
- Perfect World 9
- Portal 2 38
- Pro Evolution Soccer 16
- R2 Online 1
- RAGE 63
- Ragnarok Online 5
- Red Orchestra 2 19
- Resident Evil 1265
- RIFT 3
- Rust 145
- Saints Row 269
- Second Life 1
- Secret World 12
- Serious Sam 3: BFE 37
- Sid Meier's Civilization 554
- SimCity 16
- Sleeping Dogs 56
- Splinter Cell 79
- Star Trek Online 14
- Star Wars Galaxies 3
- Star Wars: The Old Republic 27
- StarCraft II 46
- Steam 896
- Syndicate 2
- Team Fortress 2 13
- Tera Online 4
- The Sims 1214
- Thief 70
- Titanfall 112
- Tomb Raider 475
- Torchlight 65
- Total Control 81
- Total War 1089
- Warhammer 40,000 1106
- Warhammer Online 2
- Watch Dogs 461
- Witcher 242
- World of Tanks 205
- World of Warcraft 306
- X Rebirth 18
- Miscellaneous 278444
- IP Telephony 54
- Mobile Telephony 83
- Payment systems 2
- Satellite TV 11
- Cards 487
🔑BeamNG.drive. STEAM-key (Region free)
Refunds: 0
Content: unique code 16 symbols
Product description
🌐 Region: global!
👍 After activation, it will remain permanently on your Steam accountте!
✅ Supporting languages: same as in Steam
⚡ Instant digital delivery right after payment!
About this game:
BeamNG.drive is an incredibly realistic driving game with near-limitless possibilities. Our soft-body physics engine simulates every component of a vehicle in real time, resulting in true-to-life behavior. With years of meticulous design, intensive research and experience, the simulation authentically recreates the excitement of real world driving.
Why is BeamNG.drive the game for you?
Soft-body physics: The BeamNG physics engine is at the core of the most detailed and authentic vehicle simulation you´ve ever seen in a game. Crashes feel visceral, as the game uses an incredibly accurate damage model.
Vehicles: BeamNG.drive offers dozens of refined, totally customizable vehicles for you to experiment with. Whether it´s a compact car or massive truck, you can tweak away at all the moving parts to create just about any driving experience you want. Wheels, suspension, engines, and more; everything is under your control.
Environments: There´s plenty to discover as you drive. Featuring 12 sprawling, beautiful open-world environments, the terrain feels as vast and diverse as the gameplay options. Test out your new setup through tropical jungle passages, barren deserts, urban boulevards, fast highways, and much more.
More features
Game Modes: This goes far deeper than your standard driving simulator. The range of gameplay options are exceptional, whether that´s taking on a simple delivery mission or creating an entire map to test out new car builds.
Free Roam: Don´t want to feel limited? Take any vehicle to your destination of choice and start exploring. Experimentation is also key in this game mode, as objects and environmental conditions can be manipulated. Try revving up wind speeds for a challenge, or altering gravity!
Scenarios: BeamNG.drive offers loads of scenarios for every type of driving enthusiast out there. You can complete a truck delivery request as fast and efficiently as possible, or outrun police cruisers in a hot pursuit. No matter the situation, the realistic physics engine will engage and immerse you in the experience.
Time Trials: Choose a vehicle, environment, and route and put yourself to the test! Refine your skills and compete against yourself while improving your best time.
Modding and Community Content: We´re proud of our vibrant community of enthusiasts that spark great conversation, while also creating interesting vehicle builds, terrains, and scenarios for others to enjoy. The modding capabilities in BeamNG.drive are vast, allowing you to customize and fine-tune just about anything. With our out-of-the-box World Editor everyone can put a twist on their in-game experience.
Automation: We´ve partnered with Automation - the car company tycoon game - to allow players to export their creations into BeamNG.drive. If you own Automation, it´s a fairly simple process: design your custom car and engine, tailor everything to your specifications, choose the "export" option, start up BeamNG.drive, and you´ll be able to find your latest creation in the vehicle list!
Freedom: What sets BeamNG.drive apart from other automotive games is player freedom. It’s about doing nearly anything you can think of with a car or truck and seeing it play out in the most realistic way possible. With our soft-body physics engine and modding capabilities, you can come up with any scenario imaginable. It´s not just about the vehicles, it´s about taking advantage of the expansive and customizable open world to create the driving experience you envision. Combining industry-leading physics, endless customization, and tight-knit community means
Additional information
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Key Activation:
1. You need to download and install the client Steam
2. Register a new account or go to an existing one.
3. In the client in the lower left corner, click on the button with the sign “Add game”, then enter the received key in the key field.
4. After activating the game will appear in the list of games, and you can download it on Steam.
Please do not leave a negative comment before contacting the seller. In most cases, the problem will be solved after the seller reads your message. Thank you for understanding!
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