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Broken Dahlia (FB2)
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Uploaded: 07.08.2015
Content: Зламані жоржини - Ніна Фіалко(FB2).fb2 1274,36 kB
Product description
The main character of the book - teacher Galina Pavlovna Kovalchuk. It seemed that fate prepares for her bright future: end Pedagogical Institute, a referral to work in a village with his belovedman, marriage. And, as they say, "Not all that happened as we planned." Beloved Basil went to Siberia to earn money for the wedding, and never returned. Nicholas friend
groom, who went with him, when returning first avoids meetings with Galya and then tells her that Vasil found there and married another girl. But is it the truth
says? What really happened to Vasil?
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