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Bulkvarius Bulletin 3
Uploaded: 30.06.2021
Content: Dem_Mikhaylov_Bulk_3.zip 1160,44 kB
Product description
The action of the novel takes place in the underwater world of Valdir filled with outlandish creatures, unusual plants and a considerable number of surprising intelligent races.
The hero Bulkvarius - aka Bulk - is a complete newcomer to Valdir, who started to play from boredom, but quickly fell in love with this world. Having fallen in love and understood, what opportunities for an intelligent and efficient player this amazing world can provide.
Development, crafting, sales, battles, “flight”, various events in real and gaming life Bulka, a lot of game information, descriptions of the most interesting underwater city and locations, and of course the description of the underwater part of the world Valdira.
Bulkvarius Vedomosti - a novel about the adventures of a player who has chosen for himself the race of the achillot.
Special emphasis is placed on the financial and crafting component. Although the adventure is not forgotten :)
Additional information
Fantastic novel genre LitRPG.
This purchase contains an archive file with four common book formats: FB2, TXT, DOC, Epub.
Full novel!