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Business practice First-class service
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Uploaded: 29.07.2018
Content: Практикум.zip 41,76 kB
Product description
Workshop 1
Complete the task in the text form below or attach a text file to check the homework.
Questions for the lesson:
1. What is the source of your competitive advantage?
2. What can you do differently, otherwise, so that the client has such an experience of communication with you that would surpass everything that your competitors can give to the client?
3. Are your employees trained in policies and regulations or principles?
Workshop 2
Evaluate what tools, obtained as a result of viewing the three lessons, you can implement in the life of your company now.
Analyze possible results of their implementation.
Write a small report on the evaluation and analysis received.
Workshop 3
Visit the company whose level of service inspires you.
Evaluate what elements or procedures can be copied and embedded in your company.
Write a short report on your observations and decisions
Additional information
Excellent Evaluation
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1 month | 3 months | 12 months | |
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