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By branches of material production are
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Uploaded: 20.06.2012
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Product description
Task 1
1. material production sectors include:
1. culture, education, health, social welfare, science, management, housing and communal services, consumer services;
2. industry, agriculture, forestry, construction, transport and communications, trade and catering, logistics.
2. The production structure of the enterprise includes:
1. shops, plots; Agriculture and services are involved in the manufacturing process;
2. utility departments, factories, kitchens, dining rooms, canteens, kindergartens and nurseries, health centers, medical unit, departments of technical education.
3. The types of production structure are:
1. technological, scientific and technological, organizational and management,
2. Subject, technological, mixed.
4. The following types of production:
1 .edinichnoe, mass, mass;
2. special, unified, standard.
5. The production program provides:
1. The volume of gross, commodity and sales;
2. The level of mechanization and automation of the pile, the consumption of materials of production, modernization of equipment.
Task 2
1. Entrepreneurial Abilities:
1. The factor of production and generate business profits;
2. are not a factor of production.
2. camaraderie inherent disadvantages:
1. The risk of losing property or private contributions;
2. The inability to control the lists of holders of securities of this company.
3. Public Corporation inherent disadvantages:
1. The possible incompatibility of interests;
2. The waiver of the right to a trade secret.
4. Commercial Limited Liability Company:
1. carries the risk of losses to the value of the contributions made by the participants;
2. provides unlimited liability for the debts of the owner.
5. Fixed assets at enrollment in the balance sheet as a result of the acquisition, construction is estimated:
1. at replacement cost;
2. the full cost.
Additional information
Answers to 6 jobs on 5 questions
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