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"Calculation of distillation column"
Content: Проектирование ректификационной колонны для смеси вода - уксусная кислота.zip 1682,39 kB
11,3 $ | the discount is | 7% |
8 $ | the discount is | 5% |
Product description
Course project on the discipline "Design of processes and apparatuses of chemical technology"
Topic: "Design of a distillation plant for a mixture of water - acetic acid"
Initial data:
Separation mixture: acetic acid - water
1. The productivity of the plant for the initial mixture is 5 t/h
2. The temperature of the initial mixture is 25 degrees.
3. The content of the volatile component:
in the initial mixture of 40% of the mass.
in rectified 97% of the mass.
in bottom liquid 0.5% wt.
4. Pressure in the column 760 mm Hg.
5. Type of column - packed
6. Type of contact elements - select
7. Pressure of saturated water vapor supplied to the boiler - select
8. Vapor condensation in the dephlegmator - complete
PP content:
1. Title page
2. Design task form
3. Table of contents
4. Introduction
5. Material balance installation
6. Calculation of the working reflux ratio
7. Calculation of the main dimensions of the column (diameter and height)
8. Selection and calculation of heat exchangers
9. Calculation of the thermal insulation thickness of one of the devices
10. Calculation and selection of pipelines
11. Calculation and selection of the initial mixture pump
12. Selection of containers
13. List of used literature
Additional information
Archive content:
- Settlement and explanatory note (MS Word)
- Distillation column. General view drawing (KOMPAS-3D)
- Rectification installation. Technological scheme (KOMPAS-3D)
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