- Arts & Culture 6258
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- Dictionaries & Encyclopedias 81
- Education & Science 77317
- Abstracts 73
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- Ethics, Aesthetics 3
- For Education Students 17677
- Foreign Languages 11
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- Geology 1
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- Maps & Atlases 5
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- Musical Literature 2
- Pedagogics 21
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- Practical Work 59
- Psychology 65
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- Russian and culture of speech 8
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- Summaries, Cribs 88
- Test Answers 162
- Tests 8621
- Textbooks for Colleges and Universities 32
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- To Help the Entrant 38
- Vetting 405
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- Информатика 8
- Engineering 801
- Fiction 708
- House, Family & Entertainment 85
- Law 132
- Website Promotion 70
Cartography symbols
Refunds: 0
Uploaded: 09.12.2015
Content: УГО картография.rar 1567,31 kB
Product description
Collection of conditional graphic designations used in the preparation of various maps: urban development plans of enterprises, master plans, maps, maps for orienteering, maps of military planning, civil defense maps.
TAGs: mapping, deciphering maps, town-planning project, the development of a master plan, a map of military operations, evacuation of people.
1. ASB master plans
GOST 21.204-93 "System of design documents for construction. Conventional graphic symbols and images of elements of general layouts and transport facilities. "
2. ASB on sports cards
Brochures of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation in orienteering.
3. ASB on the tactical plan
Books on the basics of life safety.
4. ASB elements Defense and Emergencies
GOST R 22.0.10-96 "Safety in emergencies. Rules to map the situation of emergency. Legend. "
Format - DWG.
4 regulations.
418 elements.
100% in accordance with GOST.
Elements for easy tool palette assembled in blocks of AutoCAD 2010.
The archive also contains the halyards, made as a standard drawing format, DWG, compatible with AutoCAD 2000-2016, Compass, ZWCAD, nanoCAD, BricsCAD etc.
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