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Casinos on-line, All about online casinos. Start earning playfully ...
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Product description
In the present you the book covers a broad range of issues, svyazannnyh and play internet casino, the principles of operation and rules of the game to describe the systems of a win-win game, and little tricks. After reading this book you will bring at least the risk of loss to a minimum and learn to play due to the casino without risking your money.
1. Overview of the Online Casino.
1.1. What are the Online Casino.
1.2. Game modes.
1.3. What are the bonuses.
1.4. Terms of payment.
2. How to start.
3. Sample registration.
4. The rules of the game.
4.1. Roulette.
4.2. Black Jack.
4.3. Slot.
4.4. Video poker.
5. How to play due to the casino.
6. Tips and Tricks.
7. Systems of casino games
7.1. Game Systems - Martingale.
7.2.1. How does any system?
7.1.2. The laws of the system.
7.1.3. Waiting win.
7.1.4. Types of systems.
7.1.5. Options martingale.
7.1.6. Casino fights systems.
7.2. System game - a game with a double rate.
7.3. Game Systems - Thomas Donalnda system.
7.4. Game Systems - Biarritz or system Makarova.
7.5. Game Systems - Swing.
7.6. Game Systems - Rent
7.7. Game Systems - System ASM
7.8. Game Systems - System Cancellation (deletion)
7.9. Game Systems - Basic Strategy Black Jack
Additional information
Format Html. MSamoraspakovyvayuschiysya Archive WinRAR, size of 298kb.
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