- Arts & Culture 6277
- Business & Economics 673
- Computers 317
- Dictionaries & Encyclopedias 81
- Education & Science 77531
- Engineering 717
- Aircraft 38
- Audio, Video 5
- Auto 97
- Construction 87
- Digital Technique 21
- Energetics 7
- Household Appliances 22
- Industry 148
- Military Equipment 19
- Motorcycles 1
- Regulatory Documentation 112
- Ships 13
- Technology and Electronics 128
- Trains 13
- Weapon 6
- Fiction 710
- House, Family & Entertainment 86
- Law 132
- Website Promotion 70
Catalog of foreign light aircraft and ultralights 2008
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Uploaded: 21.12.2007
Content: directory.zip 2743,04 kB
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Product description
Catalog of light aircraft and ultralights, annually publishes magazines KITPLANES. It contains information on 315 models of airplanes (including seaplanes and gliders and replicas). Each model includes: photography, the basic technical characteristics (stall speed, cruising, skoropodemnost, flight distance, the length of the take-off and landing distance, type of engine, the power take-off weight, fuel, payload length, width, wing area, seats , etc., and the cost of the kit, the presence of accompanying materials (drawings, manuals) and the addresses of sites of manufacturers.
Additional information
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