- Arts & Culture 6277
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- Audio, Video 5
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- Energetics 7
- Household Appliances 22
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- Fiction 710
- House, Family & Entertainment 86
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- Website Promotion 70
Catalog of light aircraft and microlight drawings which are commercially available from manufacturers
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Uploaded: 21.12.2007
Content: directory2.zip 1411,4 kB
100 $ | the discount is | 50% |
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10 $ | the discount is | 5% |
Product description
Catalog of light aircraft and microlight Journal KITPLANES, drawings which are commercially available from manufacturers. 164 models. In addition to the price drawing and addresses of sites of manufacturers indicated the brief characteristics of aircraft.
Additional information
Format - .pdf file in .zip-archive. Volume 1,37 Mb
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