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CBS PM.03 Operation of the network infrastructure
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Uploaded: 25.04.2017
Content: КОС ПМ.03 Эксплуатация объектов сетевой инфраструктуры 2017 для продажи .doc 1615,5 kB
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10 $ | the discount is | 5% |
Product description
Test and evaluation tools for professional module PM.03 Operation of the network infrastructure 230 111 specialty Computer networks are developed in accordance with the requirements FGAU FIRO.
Additional information
1. General Provisions
2. The results of the development of the module to be checked on the exam (qualifying)
3. Evaluation of the theoretical course of professional development module
4. Requirements for the differentiated offset by manufacturing practice
5. The structure of the control and evaluation of materials for the exam (qualification)
6. Form Scorecard (to be completed for each student)
Annex 1 (final test)
1.Package evaluation materials to assess MDK 03.01
2. Scope of assessment materials for the evaluation MDK 03.02
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1 month | 3 months | 12 months | |
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