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Citizen Rublev appealed to court
Content: S19-218.docx 17,96 kB
Product description
Citizen Rublev appealed to the court with a claim against the Rus agricultural firm to allocate a land plot from its lands to organize peasant (farm) farming on it. In substantiating his requirements, he indicated that he was a member of the collective farm "Testament of Ilyich", which was later transformed into the agricultural company "Rus." The transformation (reorganization) of the collective farm, which was a specialized farm for raising heifers as part of the agricultural firm Domodedovsky, took place in two stages: in 1992, the collective farm was transformed into an association of peasant farms - entrepreneurs under the same name and profile as part of the combine " Domodedovo ”, and in 1993 all structural divisions of the plant, including the collective farm“ Testament of Ilyich ”, were transformed into the agricultural company“ Rus ”with the preservation of their specialization.
The representative of the defendant, objecting to the lawsuit, explained to the court that it was not possible to allocate land to the plaintiff, since the Rus farm is a livestock complex, has a large herd of cattle, and grows its own young stock to repair the herd. The farm is experiencing an acute shortage of land for the production of its own feed. In addition, Rublev worked on the collective farm until it was reorganized into an association of peasant farms for only 1 day and refused to join the association.
Was Rublev rightfully denied the allocation of a land share during the reorganization of the collective farm "Testament Ilyich" into an association of peasant farms due to the short duration of his work on the collective farm?
Does Rublev have the right to receive a land plot from the lands of the agricultural company Rus?
Solve the case.
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