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Civil proceedings Mesi test answers
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Mesi test with the answers on the discipline of civil procedure. Handed over in 2013. Output of 100%.
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List of Questions:
1 Which of the following - partners of the defendant is at home
2 The plaintiff in the case is entitled to ask the court to:
3 Pre-trial preparation is carried out in order to:
4 cases of identity is determined by public relations
5 For the costs of the proceedings, does not include:
6 cassation complaint can not be submitted:
7 Who owns the right to change the cause of action:
8 GIC RF controls:
9 The lawsuit - is:
10 Significant violations of the CPC RF lead
11 A duplicate of the writ is issued:
12 must prove:
13 Statement on the establishment of the legal fact submitted to the court at the location:
14 The main outcome of the trial:
15 The representative may be without any power of attorney authority
16 Jurisdiction depends
17 representative - is necessarily a person having the status
18 The principle of the administration of justice is broken only by the court in cases of:
Jurisdiction 19 - it is a choice between the:
A list of 20 cases of special proceeding is in the CCP RF:
21 Produced revision entered into force court decisions on newly discovered evidence, if
22 Revision of the judicial acts in order of supervision is possible if
23 Order shall be made if the
24 Filing a claim in the court of the Russian Federation a foreign citizen is allowed if
25 The statement of claim must comply with:
26 decision of the court comes into force
27 The court evaluates the evidence on the basis of
28 Principles of the Civil Procedural Law are designed to
29 The court of expertise different from the court´s decision
30 The bailiff may not
31 The appeal is fed directly:
32 As a result of the application for a duplicate writ of execution to enforce the arbitral
33 In the case of deprivation of parental rights, excited at the suit of one parent to another, the guardianship authority must take a procedural position
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