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Civil process control
Content: 30305120630640.doc 86,5 kB
50 $ | the discount is | 20% |
25 $ | the discount is | 10% |
Product description
1. Persons involved in the case.2.Zaochnoe in civil proceedings.TaskIvanov AA presented to the Regional Court action for damages caused by the commission of an offense under the Criminal Code st.158 Petrov AA .. The claims of the plaintiff pointed out that Petrov AA I stole a color television and VCR in the total amount of 50 000 rubles. Preparation of civil cases for the trial judge held within one month after the adoption of the production of the statement of claim. The final judgment was rendered by a court after four months. The reason for this was the fact that Petrov AA He was convicted by the court and could not both participate in the court hearings in the criminal case and the civil case. After the sentencing of imprisonment Petrov AA I was sent to another location, which also affected the timing of the consideration of the civil case.What violations committed by the court? What are the procedural consequences of those violations?
Additional information
Ready reference and objectives of civil proceedings
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1 month | 3 months | 12 months | |
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