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Composition of the Unified State Exam Peskov V. "There
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Uploaded: 23.01.2021
Content: Сочинение по тексту Пескова В.М. «Здесь полюс, поздравляю вас, ребята! – именно эти слова сказал нач 12,97 kB
Product description
Composition based on the text of V.M. Peskov “This is a pole, I congratulate you guys! - these are the words said by the head of the polar expedition ... "Who are heroic people?
The essay is intended for independent home preparation of 11th grade students for an essay in the Russian language in the USE format. Also for use in preparation for a literary composition.
Uniqueness 95%
Additional information
Author - teacher of Russian language and literature of the highest category - Pomelova GN
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