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Comte. slave. Buch. accounting for small businesses-MEI
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Product description
Problem number 1
Conditions: What are the features in the application of accounting cash basis?
Problem number 2
Terms: The essence of the simplified taxation system.
Problem number 3
Terms: The objects of taxation and the procedure for their recognition.
Problem number 4
Terms: By what criteria apply to small businesses enterprises engaged in several activities?
Problem number 5
Terms: How is the average for the reporting period the number of employees of small businesses?
Problem number 6
Conditions: In what document formulated general principles of accounting in small enterprises? Specify the nature of these principles.
Objective number 7
Conditions: What are the options of reference (organization) accounting in a small business you know? Basic principles of accounting in a small business.
Task number 8
Conditions: On what account is taken into account the financial result of a small enterprise? What is the nature of the account of calculations?
Objective number 9
Terms: What form of accounting can apply small businesses? What is the nature of the account of calculations?
Problem number 10
Terms: Which statement is used to account for a small business implementation using the accrual method? The essence of the pre-payment of goods sold.
Problem number 11
Terms: Which statement is used to account for a small business implementation of using the cash method? The essence of the subsequent payment of goods sold.
Problem number 12
Terms: Which statement is the basis for the balance sheet of a small enterprise? What is the reporting structure?
Problem number 13
Conditions: Characteristics of the main stages of the procedure for compiling financial statements.
Problem number 14
Conditions: Compliance with any criteria necessary to be able to use a simple form of accounting?
Problem number 15
Conditions: What are the tax system provided by the current legislation on taxes and fees for small businesses and individual entrepreneurs?
Problem number 16
Terms: The essence of a single tax on imputed income (UTII).
Problem number 17
Terms: Replace any tax payment provides organizations a single tax on imputed income?
Problem number 18
Terms: How is the value of the imputed income? The essence of the simplified taxation system.
Problem number 19
Terms: What forms are included in the full annual financial statements of small business? Expand the content.
Problem number 20
Conditions: List the elements of the accounting policies that are only allowed for small businesses. Open briefly the nature of these elements.
Additional information
Examination Accounting for small businesses, 20 jobs, rent MEI
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