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Concept test micro and macro
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7. The concept of micro and macrocosm
7.1. What is not a structural component of the primary substance?
A) intergalactic space;
B) a microcosm; B) megaworld;
D) macrocosm.
7.2. It includes the following features microworld structure:
A) space and unlimited scale;
B) macroscopic bodies;
B) elementary particles and atomic nuclei;
D) community of living beings.
7.3. By macrocosm include signs structure:
A) macroscopic bodies;
B) Space Systems;
B) elementary particles and atomic nuclei;
T) cells and genes.
7.4. It includes the following features mega structure:
A) living organisms;
B) space and unlimited scale;
B) nuclei of the atoms of elementary particles;
R) molecules.
7.5. The structure of atoms determined:
A) by gravity;
B) electromagnetism;
B) strong interaction;
D) the weak interaction
7.6. Strong interaction experience:
A) electrons; B) protons;
B) neutrinos; D) photons.
7.7. The space in the understanding of modern physics - is:
A) the property of the human mind to organize things, to determine the place of one next to the other;
B) an eternal category of consciousness as a form of congenital chuvstven¬nogo contemplation;
B) the attribute of matter, certain bonds and relationships of motion of bodies;
D) void, in which there are different bodies.
7.8. Time to understand the theory of relativity - is:
A) sequence of changes in material things;
B) the ability of the human experience and organize events one after the other;
B) doopytnaya form of perception, a man received at birth;
D) continuity
7.9. By the properties of the space does not include:
A) length; B) irreversibility;
C) continuously; D) continuity.
7.10. Which of the following is the basic form of existence of matter?
A) only the space;
B) space and time;
B) space, time and the field;
D) space, time, matter and field.
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