Concepts, principles and sources of the Russian electoral law

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Product description

Concepts, principles and sources of the Russian electoral law

Course work in the format .doc, 26 sheets of A4, on the theme "The concept, principles and sources of the electoral rights of the Russian Federation" Course work is the author's writing specifically for the execution of the template GAS

Introduction 3
The right to vote and the electoral system in Russia 5
The principles of the Russian electoral law 9
Sources suffrage Russia 13
Conclusion 20
Glossary 21
List of sources used 23
Abbreviations 25
Applications 26

Additional information

Detail of work:

So for th * t that would be huts * Anna * in * the first President of the Russian Federation, the need for availability Grigorievich 3 * * * vozras years and, as for the election of deputies of the State Duma * 2 year. This age is not a criterion we can * t be changed by law or other regulatory rules * m act as a set Const * * * tion of the Russian F eration.
Ka * Passive * e and a * tive suffrage completely realized by citizens on a voluntary basis, in Russia there is compulsory voting. This fact is pushing ** * howling masses to not participate izbirat *** ** gov't puts TVO in hard to put ** s as if the election is less than ** ** demos tiche * s * s * p pAKT. - shop of digital goods


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