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Confessions of the Carder
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Product description
As soon as the first bank card was published, the person who stole money from her immediately appeared. And he called himself a carder.
And to this day, this man is alive, and the work begun by him and called Carding "is developing and flourishing all over the world.
The end of the 90´s. Russia, which has completely wiped off the shell of the Soviet Union, bursts into the era of a market economy with a crash. People who have felt the taste of money begin to row them with shovels and divide the country among themselves. It would seem that everything in our homeland is divided, but new geniuses of financial fraud and fraud are growing up, and they need their own niche. They are the first carders in Russia.
Robin Hood of the modern era, the great carder, behind which
To this day, Interpol is hunting. A person without a twinge of conscience stealing western banks - Izya Pitersky. It was on the basis of his stories that this book was written.
Additional information
As soon as the first bank card was published, the person who stole money from her immediately appeared. And he called himself a carder.
And to this day, this man is alive, and the work begun by him and called Carding "is developing and flourishing all over the world.
The end of the 90´s. Russia, which has completely wiped off the shell of the Soviet Union, bursts into the era of a market economy with a crash. People who have felt the taste of money begin to row them with shovels and divide the country among themselves. It would seem that everything in our homeland is divided, but new geniuses of financial fraud and fraud are growing up, and they need their own niche. They are the first carders in Russia.
Robin Hood of the modern era, the great carder, behind which
To this day, Interpol is hunting. A person without a twinge of conscience stealing western banks - Izya Pitersky. It was on the basis of his stories that this book was written.
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