Constitutional review and supervision (2016)

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Product description

Introduction 3
Main part 6
1 Concept, types and models of constitutional review and supervision 6
2 Constitutional control and supervision in Russia 17
Conclusion 27
Glossary 30
References used 33
List of Abbreviations 36
Appendices 37

List of used sources
1 The Constitution of the Russian Federation [Text]: adopted by the public. vote. December 12, 1993 (as amended on July 21, 2014 No. 11-FKZ) // Rossiyskaya gazeta. - 2009. - № (7) 4831. - 21 jan.
2 On the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation [Text]: Federal Constitutional Law of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1994 No. 1-FKZ (as amended on December 14, 2015 No. 7-FKZ) // collected legislation of the Russian Federation. - 1994. - № 13. - Art. 1447.
3 On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the implementation of state control (supervision) and municipal control [Text]: Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2008 N 294-FZ (as amended on July 3, 2016 No. 277-FZ) // Collected legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2008. - N 52 (part I). - Art. 6249.
4 Determination of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of December 28, 1995 No. 137-O on refusing to accept the request of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly to interpret the provisions of Article 80 and Part 2 of Article 95 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource]: ATP "Garant" ( appeal date: 08/10/2016).
5 Definition of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of February 4, 1997 No. 14-O on refusing to accept for consideration the request of the Legislative Assembly of the Vladimir Region on the interpretation of the provisions of paragraph n, part 1 of article 72 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource]: ATP "Garant" (the date of the appeal: August 10, 2016).
6 Determination of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 98-O, dated July 1, 1999, on refusing to accept for consideration the request of the State Duma on the interpretation of Article 7 (part 1) of the Constitution of the Russian Federation; Definition of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of June 11, 1999 No. 104-O on refusing to accept the request of the Legislative Assembly of the Tver Region to interpret the provisions of Article 12 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource]: ATP "Garant" (appeal date: August 10, 2016).
7 Dissenting opinion of Judge Gadzhiev G.A. in the case of the interpretation of Art. 103 (part 3), 105 (part 2 and 5), 107 (part 3), 108 (part 2), 117 (part 3) and 135 (part 2) of the Constitution RF [Text]: Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of April 12, 1995 // Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation. - 1995. - № 16. - Article 1451.
8 Bartsits I.N. Typology of modern legal systems [Text] /I.N. Barzitz. - M .: Science, 2010. - 228 p.
9 Vitruk N.V. Constitutional justice. Judicial constitutional law and process [Text]: Proc. Allowance - 5th ed., Revised. and add. / N.V. Vitruk - Moscow: Yurist, 2015. - 527 p.
10 David R., Zofre-Spinozi K. The main legal systems of modern times. / Per. with fr. V.A. Tumanova [Text] / P. David, C. Jofre-Spinozi. - M .: International Relations, 1996. - 400 p.
11 Kazankov S.P. Legal nature of the decisions of the bodies of constitutional control and supervision [Text]: Theoretical aspect: Author. Diss .... Ph.D. / S.P. Kazankov. - Kazan, 2016. - 31 p.
12 Constitutional (state) law of foreign countries. Volume 2 [Text]: textbook. Ed. B.A. Scary - M .: BEK, 2013. - 448 p.
13 Lazarevsky N.I. Lectures on Russian state law. - SPb., 1910. V.1. - P. 435. [Electronic resource]: ATP "Garant". (the date of the appeal: August 10, 2016).
14 Mityukov M.A. On the transformation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation [Text] / M.A. Mityukov // Constitutional Development of Russia. Interuniversity collection of scientific articles. Issue 4 - Saratov

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