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Product description
1. Arbitration courts in the judicial system of the Russian Federation. The Supreme Arbitration Court, its composition, structure and powers. 4
2. Investigator and interrogator. The relationship between their rights and obligations. 7
3. PROBLEM. The Qualification Board of Judges suspended the powers of Judge Lyamin, as he was accused of committing fraud. Using his right, Lyamin petitioned for his case to be considered by the Judicial Collegium for Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. However, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation sent Lyamin´s case for consideration to the regional court where the defendant worked. The regional court found Lyamin guilty of fraud and delivered a guilty verdict. Convicted Lyamin wrote a cassation appeal against this verdict. Can a judge be prosecuted? What violations were committed in this case? Explain the answer. 9
Additional information
1. Arbitration courts in the judicial system of the Russian Federation. The Supreme Arbitration Court, its composition, structure and powers. 4
2. Investigator and interrogator. The relationship between their rights and obligations. 7
3. PROBLEM. The Qualification Board of Judges suspended the powers of Judge Lyamin, as he was accused of committing fraud. Using his right, Lyamin petitioned
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