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Control Civil law
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Product description
1.Grazhdanskaya personality of individuals sentenced to imprisonment
2. The exercise of civil rights. Execution of duties. Restrictions and legal limits.
3.Pravovoe regulation of property relations.
4.Obyazatelstva as a result of unjust enrichment
Problem number 1.
Individual entrepreneur Kislov Arkady Petrovich appealed to the arbitration court against the "Inter-cosmetics" for the recovery on the basis of Art. 1107 of the Civil Code of revenue that the defendant learned of the property from the moment of loss of property rights. To participate in the case as a third party without independent claims on the subject of the dispute, attract tenants disputed property (LLC "Ultramarine"), who knew nothing about the loss of ownership of the lessor, and goes on to list the rent to the account of "Inter-cosmetics". Facilities that are engaged LLC "Ultramarine" on the basis of a lease agreement with LLC "Inter-cosmetics" were bought Kislov. The defendant company "Inter-cosmetics", pointing out that the change of ownership of the leased property shall not entail termination of the lease (p.1 Art. 617 of the Civil Code), objected to the requirements of Kislov.
How should assess the statement of the arbitral tribunal?
Problem number 2.
Shevelev, being the owner of the car, gave power of attorney to his son Victor. The attorney indicated that it was issued for a term of 5 years and takes effect from 21.06.1999 year.
23.11.2003, the car, driven by power of attorney, Victor, was stopped at a traffic police post at the entrance to the city of Omsk. When checking traffic police documents pointed to the fact that a power of attorney drawn up in violation of the current legislation on these grounds the car was arrested and put on the penalty parking. Victor Shevelev, considering that the traffic police illegally detained vehicle, lodged a complaint with the court.
What decision should stand trial?
Additional information
Legal problems with answers, the answer to the problem of law, Ready meet the challenges of law tasks by right answers, the solution on the right answers
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