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Control History of State and Law
Content: Контрольная история государства и права.rar 47,64 kB
50 $ | the discount is | 20% |
25 $ | the discount is | 10% |
Product description
1. Comparative characteristics of the system of elections to the State Duma by the laws of 6 August and 11 December 1905 and 3 June 1907 3
2. Development of Law and Legislation of the Provisional Government 6
3.Change in government during the Civil War 8
4.Prava, freedoms and duties of Russian citizens on the Constitution (1918-1993) 16
5.Danila - goldsmith, due to a mistake of his disciple, inadvertently added to the silver tin. Who and what will be punished on the Council Code 1649? 22
Additional information
control work contains 23 pages.
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