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Core philosophy PRACTICAL FS 93 RIU TANTAL
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Product description
Practical tasks
on the subject "Fundamentals of Philosophy" code FS93 RIU TANTAL
Setting 1.Predstavte yourself that you are a follower of Democritus. How do you prove to his contemporaries, that all things are composed of atoms and void?
Task 2. Assume that philosophy in ancient Greece has not arisen. How, in your opinion, might be the world of Western European man?
Task 3. If you - a philosopher. In which historical period would you like to live and philosophize, and why?
Task 4. How could you interpret symbolically life failure, if there were religious filosofom- supporter of Christianity?
Setting 5.Predstavte that you were at a meeting with the existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre during his visit to the Soviet Union. You - a supporter of the Soviet ideology. For what you could criticize Sartre?
Task 6. One can imagine that you are at the discussion club of supporters of different types of worldviews. You - the scientist-astrophysicist. How could you argue with supporters of the occult world - astrologers?
Task 7. Suppose you - parent of a child under the age of 4 years. Are you familiar with the doctrine of the unconscious 3. Freud and know that when you ban your child something that he really wants, or get him to do anything, then it is not very desirable. You put him traumatized. As in education, in your opinion, you can avoid injury to the child's mind, and it is possible at all?
Task 8. Imagine a world without moral values. What are the prospects, in your opinion, in such a world?
Task 9.
You know what you need to help people, do good to them. So teach morality. Your friend asks for help to him, for him to perform a control operation so that he can take the exam at the institute. In carrying out work for his friend. You deprive his ability to master the important spiritual value - knowledge. Do you think it is possible to assume that in this situation there is a conflict between two values, and you do good for your friend? Justify your answer.
Task 10.
Imagine that you - the composer. What kind of music would you write (merry, sad, "music for the feet" to make or to express their spiritual experiences). Justify your choice.
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