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Course project - Formation of image of the organization
Refunds: 0
Uploaded: 06.11.2005
Content: 51106215222313.rar 38,84 kB
Product description
1. Image and its main elements
1.1. Nature of image
1.2 Objects of image formation
1.3 The main stages of the formation of image of the organization
2. Rating of images of steel companies
2.1. Is it possible to measure the company's image?
2.2. General results of the branding industry. From "war" image - the image of civilized competition.
2.3. The winners ranking.
3. Recommendations for the formation of the image.
3.1. Formation of investment-attractive image
3.2. Russia's reputation abroad.
3.3. Internet and image.
3.4. The importance of the brand.
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