- Arts & Culture 6259
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- Diplomas 317
- Drawings 1596
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- For Education Students 17678
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- Summaries, Cribs 88
- Test Answers 162
- Tests 8635
- Textbooks for Colleges and Universities 32
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- To Help Graduate Students 14
- To Help the Entrant 38
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- Works 13
- Информатика 8
- Engineering 801
- Fiction 708
- House, Family & Entertainment 86
- Law 133
- Website Promotion 70
Course project: "Ventilation cinema" 4th year, 1st semester (in full)
Refunds: 0
Uploaded: 14.02.2003
Content: vent4k1sem.zip 617,29 kB
Product description
Course project: "Ventilation cinema" 4th year, 1st semester (full) AutoCad2000 drawings and explanatory note to the calculations in Word,
Additional information
Вниманию студентов строительных ВУЗов России.
Учтите что на жестком диске того компьтера на котором Вы будете открывать купленные КП,должен быть установлен AutoCad,притом 2000-й версии.Word и Excel может быть любой версии.Все КП запакованы в ZIP архивах.
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