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Course project Ventilation theater DWG format
Refunds: 0
Uploaded: 25.01.2010
Content: 00125222508130.rar 640,69 kB
Product description
In this course project designed for the ventilation of public buildings - cinema. Cinema 325 seats, located in the city of Kaluga.
The building has two floors and has a loft above the auditorium and a basement. The rooms of the first floor: the auditorium the electric power, staff room, admin, cashier, lobby, two bathrooms. The rooms on the second floor: a room of the artist, rewinding, cinema projection, broadcasting center. The main facade is oriented to the west.
The walls are brick. The thickness of the exterior and interior load-bearing walls of 600 mm. Peregorodok- 120 mm.
The auditorium has no windows. The volume of the auditorium in 1560 m2.
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