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Course subject, method and function of civil law
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Uploaded: 30.08.2015
Content: Предмет, метод и функции гражданского права.rar 39,38 kB
Product description
The course on the subject of civil law on the topic: "The subject, method and function of civil law" in sdvalas IMEI in 2015, the score 5 Antiplagiat no, 40 pages.
1. Civil law as a branch of law ....................................... .... 5
1.1 Features of the domestic rights ........................... ....... 5
1.2 The essence of civil law and its place in the legal system ...... .... 8
2. The subject of civil law ................................................ ..... 13
2.1 Relations regulated by civil law ........................ ..13
2.2 The economic relations regulated by civil law ... ..16
2.3 Moral relations regulated by civil правом……………………………………………………………………………….19
3. The method of regulation of civil law ................................. ..22
4. The principles and functions of civil law ........................................... ... 24
4.1 The functions and tasks of civil law ....................................
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