- Arts & Culture 6249
- Business & Economics 672
- Computers 316
- Dictionaries & Encyclopedias 75
- Education & Science 76250
- Abstracts 47
- Astrology 4
- Biology 8
- Chemistry 4267
- Coursework 15551
- Culture 8
- Diplomas 317
- Drawings 1596
- Ecology 5
- Economy 81
- English 81
- Ethics, Aesthetics 3
- For Education Students 17660
- Foreign Languages 11
- Geography 3
- Geology 1
- History 88
- Maps & Atlases 5
- Mathematics 12625
- Musical Literature 2
- Pedagogics 21
- Philosophy 22
- Physics 15122
- Political Science 5
- Practical Work 59
- Psychology 64
- Religion 4
- Russian and culture of speech 8
- School Textbooks 7
- Sociology 9
- Summaries, Cribs 82
- Test Answers 162
- Tests 7819
- Textbooks for Colleges and Universities 32
- Theses 7
- To Help Graduate Students 14
- To Help the Entrant 38
- Vetting 391
- Works 13
- Информатика 8
- Engineering 800
- Fiction 707
- House, Family & Entertainment 84
- Law 131
- Website Promotion 70
Course Technology Museum in SKD
Content: 40207122148483.docx 61,31 kB
50 $ | the discount is | 20% |
25 $ | the discount is | 10% |
Product description
Table of contents
Introduction 3
Chapter 1. Theoretical basis of socio-cultural industry technologies 6
eleven. The essence of the socio-cultural technologies 6
12. The concept of industrial technologies of socio-cultural activities 10
13. Pedagogical technologies in the museum sector 14
CHAPTER 2 develop and implement educational museum concept RESERVE 18
2.1. Characteristics of the institution of social and cultural sphere 18
2.2. Development and implementation of educational concepts 21
2.3. Application of the technology during excursions in the educational concept 24
Conclusion 31
References 33
Additional information
finished coursework CDS
0Period | |||
1 month | 3 months | 12 months | |
0 | 0 | 0 | |
0 | 0 | 0 |