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Coursework audit the bank´s income
Content: Курсовая аудит доходов банка-41%.rar 105,45 kB
Product description
Table of contents
Introduction 1
Chapter 1. Theoretical basis of the audit of the bank income 3
1.1 Items of income of a credit institution, the accounting rules for income 3
1.2 The income of the bank audit, audit purpose, basic procedures 6
1.3. The legal framework of the audit of the bank income 15
Chapter Summary January 16
Chapter 2: Assessment of accounting income of the bank JSC "OTP Bank 18
2.1.Ekonomicheskaya characteristic of the branch "Omsk" JSC "OTP Bank" 18
2.2. Analysis of financial results of OJSC "OTP Bank 26
2.3.Organizatsiya internal control in the bank 29
Conclusions 34 Chapter 2
Chapter 3. Organization of audit of the bank´s income 38
3.1. Goals, objectives, sources of verification 38
3.2. Planning the audit 39
3.3. audit results 42
Conclusions 49 Chapter 3
Conclusion 54
Applications 61
Переводчик Google для бизнеса –Инструменты переводчикаПереводчик сайтовСлужба "Анализ рынков"
Additional information
Term paper on the topic: Audit of the bank´s income on TNA example "Bank" Unique - 41%
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