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Coursework (dynamic arrays, a list of queues) OOP
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Uploaded: 27.03.2012
Content: 20327032047263.rar 301 kB
Product description
Course work: An object-oriented programming.
Subject: Object-based implementation of the container composite structure "dynamic list of arrays, queues"
Objective: To obtain the skills development of object programs, including the creation of their own sets of related classes for object the realization of a specialized container. The container is designed for data storage and processing of information a problem (maintenance tasks specified in the approval of the teacher work theme). The container is a two-tier structure of the data, in which levels are implemented in different ways - on the basis of a static array (continuous implementation), another - dynamically using targeted links (connected implementation).
1. Full implementation of the definition of object classes for all items sold structure: data objects (a must!), Facilities-list items (dynamic implementation), lists of objects, a container object
2. Respect for the principle of encapsulation - classroom use only private property and implementation of the necessary set of access methods
3. The implementation of the class of all the necessary methods: constructors, methods, access properties and methods to add and remove each of the two levels, the search method (if necessary)
4. Ability to save the entire structure in an external file on the back-loading
5. The presence of the module, showing all possible to create a class library and has a convenient user interface window
6. Language and development environment - by choice: Delphi, Java, C ++, C #
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The program is implemented in the Delphi programming environment with a window
interface. The finished course work in the archive exchange,
there are sources (Delphi 7) with detailed comments, explanatory note.
Evaluation of the teacher posed: Excellent.
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PS Use this job as teaching material, an example of which you
You are able to develop and deliver its program of work the teacher perfectly.
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