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Crib in mathematics - a collection of formulas.
Refunds: 1
Uploaded: 04.04.2004
Content: math.zip 43,19 kB
Product description
The collection of formulas for math (crib, one A4 sheet): algebra (abridged multiplication formula, degree and roots level with various parameters, logarithms, quadratic equations (equations of the second degree), Vieta theorem, the decomposition of the quadratic equation factoring), progression ( arithmetic, geometric progression, infinitely decreasing geometric progression), trigonometry (the values \u200b\u200bof sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent in the following angles - 0, p / 6, p / 4, p / 3, p / 2, 2p / 3, p, 3p / 2, 2p; signs of trigonometric functions to fourth reduction formulas, basic trigonometry formula, formula to convert the amount of the formula to convert the amount of the product, the formula of double argument, the formula half of the argument, the formula reduction degree, the relationship between sin a, cos a and tg a / 2, a triple Formula argument), start the analysis (derivatives, primitives).
Formula recruited small, well legibly, in separate tablets. You can print and cut. Very convenient.
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