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Criminal law test answers, Part II, 65 vospros
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Criminal law test, part II, 65 questions.
Task 26.
Question 1: What does it mean to describe an object, a phenomenon, in accordance with its specific features and characteristics attributed to a particular group, category, type, category?
1. rank;
2. identification;
3. To qualify;
4. organize;
5. codified.
Question 2. How much of the accepted qualifications considered in the theory of criminal law?
1 one;
2. two;
3. three;
4. The four;
5. five.
Question 3. What is the article of the Criminal Code states that the basis of criminal responsibility is an act that contains all the elements of a crime under the criminal law?
1. 8;
2. 9;
3. 10;
4. 11;
5. 12.
Question 4. The rules which part of the Criminal Code to be applied in the qualification of crimes?
1. general;
2. the second;
3. Third;
4. particular;
5. the fifth.
Question 5. What is the article of the Criminal Code establishes the guarantee of the principle of the rule of law?
1. 7;
2. 6;
3. 5;
4. 4;
5. 3.
Task 27.
Question 1. Which article of the Criminal Code a priority criminal law proclaims the protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen?
1. 1;
2. 2;
3. 3;
4. 4;
5. 5.
Question 2: In what section of the Criminal Code of Crimes against the combined rate of the individual?
1. VII;
2. VIII;
3. IX;
4. X;
5. XI.
Question 3. Which group can be turned on crimes knowingly commit socially dangerous acts (action or inaction), forbidden by criminal law and infringing on the basic benefits, rights and its freedom-of man and citizen?
1. hooliganism;
2. crimes against life;
3. crimes against health;
4. crimes against the person;
5. crimes against honor and freedom.
Question 4. Who are the generic object of the crime against the person?
1. Citizen;
2. the subject;
3. object;
4. the victim;
5. person.
Question 5. What is meant by unlawful intentional infliction of death to another person?
1. hooliganism;
2. The offense;
3. Murder;
4. crimes against life;
5. crime against health.
Task 28.
Question 1: How many species of murders called the Criminal Code?
1. one;
2. Two;
3. Three;
4. Four;
5. five.
Question 2. What is the name of the Criminal Code murder with aggravating circumstances referred to in n. "And" - "n" h. 2 tablespoons. 105 of the Criminal Code?
1. simple;
2. Qualified;
3. privileged;
4. The intentional;
5. illegal.
Question 3. What is the name the Penal Code murder with extenuating circumstances referred to in Art. 106-108 of the Criminal Code?
1. simple;
2. Qualified;
3. intentional;
4. privileged;
5. illegal.
Question 4. In what year was adopted by the RF Law "On transplantation of organs and (or) human tissue"?
1. 1988 .;
2. 1989 .;
3. 1990 .;
4. 1991 .;
5. 1992
Question 5: In what article of the RF Law "On transplantation of organs and (or) human tissue" from December 22, 1992 resolved the question of the definition of the end of human life?
1. 9;
2. 10;
3. 11;
4. 12;
5. 13.
Task 29.
Question 1. At what age is reached, physically sane person can be the subject of a simple or qualified murder?
1. under 12 years of age;
2. at least 13 years;
3. age of 14;
4. The age of 15;
5. under 16 years.
Question 2. At what age is reached, physically sane person can be the subject privilegiro-balanced, murder?
1. under 15 years of age;
2. have reached the age of 16;
3. 17 years old;
4. the age of 18;
5. have reached 19 years.
Question 3. What article of the Criminal Code, a qualifying murder committed from hooligan prompting:
1. n. "K" h. 1, Art. 102;
2. n. "N" h. 1, Art. 103;
3. n. "O" h. 2 tablespoons. 104;
4. n. "And" h. 2 tablespoons. 105;
5. p. "To" h. 3
Additional information
Task 30.
Question 1: How many kinds of passion there?
1. one;
2. Two;
3. Three;
4. Four;
5. five.
Question 2. What kind of affect:
1. emotional;
2. psychological;
3. moral;
4. pathological and physiological;
5. willed.
Question 3. In what kind of affect the person completely loses the ability to consciously control his actions, suggesting the face of insanity?
1. pathological;
2. physiological;
3. emotional;
4. moral;
5. volitional.
Question 4. In what kind of affect remains, to some extent, the ability of self-control, and although the will-ing control understated, he still is?
1. pathological;
2. emotional;
3. physiological;
4. moral;
5. volitional.
Question 5. What type of examination ascertains the state of physiological affect?
1. Judicial;
2. Medical equipment;
3. physiological;
4. psychological;
5. The psychological and psychiatric.
Task 31.
Question 1: The humiliation of honor and dignity - is:
1. hooliganism;
2. grave insult;
3. crime;
4. immoral acts;
5. mockery.
Question 2. Part 2 of Art. 126 of the Criminal Code provides for liability for qualified types of kidnapping brow-century, if committed:
1. a group of persons by prior conspiracy;
2. repeatedly with violence dangerous to life or health, or with threat of application of the one-one violence; the use of weapons or objects used as weapons;
3. against a minor; against a woman known by the guilty finding, scheysya pregnant;
4. in respect of two or more persons; mercenary motives;
5. All of the above.
Question 3. What is the article of the Criminal Code provides for liability for murder in the heat of passion of two or more persons?
1 hr. 2, Art. 107;
2. h. 3 tablespoons. 108;
3. h. 4 Art. 109;
4. h. 5, Art. 110;
5. h. 6, Art. 111.
Question 4: What is an article of the Criminal Code provides for liability for qualified kinds of causing death by negligence?
1 hr. 5, Art. 112;
2. h. 4 Art. 111;
3. h. 1, Art. 108;
4. h. 2 tablespoons. 109;
5. h. 3 tablespoons. 110.
Question 5. What is the psychological impact on the victim, expressed in the promise to harm this or that his legally protected interests, benefits?
1. insult;
2. affect;
3. Hypnosis;
4. impact;
5. threat.
Task 32.
Question 1. What is the fault can be characterized by crimes against health subjectively?
Question 2. At what age is reached, physically sane person is the subject of serious and intentional infliction of moderate bodily harm?
Question 3. When you reach the age of physically sane person is the subject of other syagatelstv in health?
Question 4. In what year Russian Ministry of Health approved the Rules forensic bodily harm?
Question 5: At what point of the Rules of forensic bodily harm given the term "injury"?
Task 33.
Question 1: How many types of injury allocates law?
Question 2. What kinds of harm, allocated by the Law:
Question 3. harm, causing life-threatening conditions that can result in death, is called:
Question 4: What is the mockery of the victim, causing him in harm to the mo-General of suffering, committing abusive acts?
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