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Crisis Management, Examination
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Uploaded: 13.11.2010
Content: 01113155502657.doc 151 kB
Product description
Verification work on discipline: "Crisis Management"
Question 1. What is the danger of the crisis manifested? What are its symptoms?
Question 2. What is the variety of crises and how can they be classified?
Question 3: In what directions state regulation of bankruptcy?
Question 4: What are the signs of the depth determined by the bankruptcy?
Question 5: What measures are applied to the bankrupt enterprise?
Question 6. What are the main functions of the arbitration manager?
Question 7: What are the main functions of the bankruptcy trustee?
Question 8: Is it always bankruptcy is a nuisance for the enterprise? Give an example of a situation.
Question 9. Imagine that you are the manager of a certain company, which is on the verge of bankruptcy. What will be your strategy for the removal of the company from the crisis?
Question 10: What problems can solve diagnosis?
Additional information
2014, 18, p.
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