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Content: wnwin400.rar 8406,94 kB
Product description
Version 4.00 of CROSSWORD removes the 9999 limit on total amount of characters
(small plus big plus others) of the alphabet font, which operates in previous
versions (below 4.00) of the program. For the alphabets of the Earth, this is
important for Chinese alphabet, numbering tens of thousands of characters.
Now the restrictions imposes only RAM of the computer. Create a font-alphabet
file with any number of characters is possible in previous versions of the
program, but you can use such a font file to create a data file only in
version 4.00 of program.
The size of the crossword data file in version 4.00 of the program depends on
the total number of characters and for most alphabets of the Earth (except
hieroglyphic) will be less than in previous versions. But now to use the
created by version 4.00 data file in previous versions of the program, it must
be modified (converted) using item 26 of configuration menu of the program.
Data files created by previous versions of the program can (and should) be
used in version 4.00 without modification (upward compatibility).
In version 4.00 of the program, you can use the keyboard method of dialing
characters of the external font-alphabet file (the ordinal number of the
character (its position, starting from 1) in the sequence small-large-other
characters plus ENTER) when the mouse and (or) the electronic keyboard are
turned off (items 20 and 21 of configuration menu of the program).
A MUST HAVE product!
Additional information
Get high and drive from the endless possibilities of another unique masterpiece
software art and science!
It is recommended that the author of the CROSSWORD project was promoted to
national and world prizes of any level (including the Nobel).
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