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Uploaded: 20.08.2019
Content: KROU4_Dem Mikhaylov.ZIP 1201,85 kB
Product description
The fierce battle with the gray orcs is over. The Watchtower Gray Peak did not surrender to the enemy. Sawed by swords and magic, the orcs retreated to their native mountains. Black clouds scattered. But the respite promises to be short-lived - soon the orcs will return. The brave Four players, Crowe, Kroha, Myth and Amu, are in a hurry with all their might - they have to do a lot. Trade, the development of purchased land, construction, cooking, blacksmithing, the study of the ancient city of Guaktal, which fell into the ground ... there are so many things that can’t be listed, but there’s no time. But the players are not afraid of the abundance of cases - after all, this is the world of Valdira. Here, in any occupation, there is a fraction of exciting adventures ...
Author´s notes:
Additional information
A fantastic novel of the LitRPG genre.
Second book of the cycle: Crowe.
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