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Cuff, Sokolov Napesochny decided (2010)
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Product description
Objective 1
Cuff, Sokolov Napesochny decided to do business in the field of forest management. In spring and summer they collected medicinal industrial raw materials (leaves cranberries, blueberries, etc.), And in August went for cranberries and pine cones. Scored 60 kg. berries and 100 kg. cones, they went to the village and along the way have been detained foresters, who drew up a report on violations of forest law.
What are the rules violated the cuff, Sokolov Napesochny? To what liability they may be involved?
Task 2
Group of businessmen decided to organize the processing plant technological education is the former smelter waste. To this end, they purchased the necessary equipment, technique and started to work. However, their activities as they violate rules for handling industrial waste has been suspended by the state environmental control.
Are the actions of the body of state environmental control? What is the procedure for the processing of industrial and household waste?
Objective 3
City Duma of the municipality has decided to limit the operation of vehicles and for the special regulation of traffic flows in the city.
Is it right to the decision of the City Duma? What legal measures air protection act in the Russian Federation?
Additional information
Remember that any finished work needs work and can not be used as a final product.
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