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D'Artagnan: the truth about the famous Musketeers
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Uploaded: 06.08.2004
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Product description
In this book the author was awarded the French Academy.
We offer you a book by Jean-Christian Ptifisa "True D'Artagnan." In Russian came out only a few months ago.
D'Artagnan ... Perhaps the world's most famous Frenchman. How we appreciate it and how little we know about him, a real person.
Was it the same as we described it Dumas? And if he existed at all?
The prototype of the hero of Dumas' d'Artagnan called "Memoirs of sir d'Artagnan, lieutenant commander of the first company of musketeers King, containing a lot of things personal and confidential that occurred during the reign of Louis the Great" Kurtilya de Sandra, released in 1700.
Many researchers have seriously believed that Dumas should be considered a hero Marshal D'Artagnan, who lived though some other time ...
Jean-Christian Ptifis - French scientist, researcher, specialist in the history of France XVII century, author of a number of bright biographies of historical figures of Louis XIV. His biography of D'Artagnan - the fruit of many years of archival research - was awarded the Prize of the French Academy.
According to the documented facts of the real life of D'Artagnan it was filled with no less dangerous adventures than those described in the brilliant novels of Alexandre Dumas.
The book has many details that illustrate how life of D'Artagnan and the French society of the 17th century - from a documentary inventory of the property of parents of our hero to the authenticity of his correspondence and marriage contract. Real D'Artagnan, by the way, has long been one of the closest subordinates Cardinal Mazarin ...
The book is presented in MS Word format, and is packaged in a self-extracting archive.
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