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Denisov - Genetic explosion (fb2, mobi, epub)
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Uploaded: 17.08.2016
Content: Gienietichieskii vzryv.zip 2712,4 kB
Product description
Adventure Igor Sergei Zalyotin known as Garik Yenisei, continue!
Terrestrial civilization destroyed "Genetic storm." He survived a very small percentage of the population. A group of several communities living in the area of Adler and Sochi Central, took a lead Garik. He is always on the alert, do not part with true AKS74U, regrets that he did not have enough time to read, and fiercely hates aliens invading our planet a dying. Although the community is constantly terrorized by gangs, alien-gugontsy much worse than any criminals. However, they council will also find ...
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