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Design and analysis of the production budget forms com
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Product description
Term paper on the block financial discipline "Design and Analysis of budget forms production company" 2
1. Background 2
2. The budget Sales to the schedule of obtaining money from the consumer (with a budget of cash receipts from customers) 4
3. The production plan 5
4. Budget expenditures for basic materials with the schedule of payments 5
5. Budget labor costs of key staff 6
6. Budget production overheads 6
7. Evaluation of the cost of production 7
8. The budget of administrative and marketing expenses 7
9. The budget of profit and loss account 8
10. Budget cash flow 8
11. Expected (Planned) 11 Balance Sheet
12. Analysis of liquidity, turnover, profitability and financial stability on the basis of initial information and constructed budget forms 12
References 15
Additional information
+ Ixelles
On the basis of these data must be:
1. Build the budget system of the enterprise. Calculated by the budget include:
1. The budget of sales.
2. The budget production (the company produces only product).
3. The budget costs for basic materials.
4. Budget expenditures for salaries of key staff.
5. Budget overhead costs.
6. Budget cost
7. Budget administrative and marketing costs.
8. Planned profit and loss statement.
9. The budget of the cash flow.
10. Expected (Planned) balance sheet.
2. To analyze the liquidity, turnover, profitability, financial stability on the basis of initial information and constructed budget forms. Draw conclusions based on the results of calculations.
1. Background
Forecast sales volumes and prices
Forecast sales and prices Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
The expected volume units. 10000 30000 40000 20000
Expected unit price of $. 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00
The share of cash payments in the quarter was 70% of total revenue, the remaining 30% paid in the next quarter.
Planned balance of stocks of finished products at the end of the plan period (quarter) is 20% of sales in future periods. Stocks of finished products at the end of the year are planned in the amount of 3,000 units.
The required volume of material per unit of output is 5 kg, the price of one kilogram of raw materials is estimated at 60 cents.
The balance of raw materials at the end of each quarter is planned in the amount of 10% of the needs of the future period. Estimation of the required material stock at the end of the year is 7500 kg.
Payment to the supplier of the raw material is produced under the following conditions: the share of payment for materials purchased in a particular quarter, 50% of the purchase price of raw materials. In the remaining 50% of the raw material supplier provides deferred payment, which must be repaid in the next quarter.
Payment of direct labor performed under the following conditions: the cost of labor of key staff in the unit make up 0.8 hours. The cost of one hour, together with charges of $ 7.50.
Overhead expenses comprise variable and constant parts separately. Plan variable costs be based on the standard $ 2. 1 hour of key personnel. Fixed overhead costs are estimated at US $ 60,600. In the quarter, of which depreciation accounts for $ 15,000.
The magnitude of the cost of implementation and management (budget administration and marketing costs) is also planned in two parts - a variable and constant. The ratio of the variable portion is $ 1.80. Per unit of goods sold.
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