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Difficulties in implementing and enforcing the principl
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Difficulties of implementation and ensuring the principle of respect for human rights in modern Russia (2017)
Introduction 3
1. The concept and essence of the principle of respect for human rights 6
2. Development of a legal framework for respecting human rights in Russia 15
3. Problems of effective protection of human rights in Russia 22
Conclusion 37
References 40
Regulatory and other official documents
1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation of December 12, 1993 (with the last amendment and additional dated July 21, 2014 No. 11-FKZ) // Russian newspaper. 2009. No. (7) 4831. 21 Jan.
2. Federal Constitutional Law of the Russian Federation of February 26, 1997 No. 1-FKZ “On the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation” (as amended and added January 31, 2016 No. 1-FCL) // collected legislation Russian Federation. 1997. № 9. Art. 1011.
3. The Constitution (Fundamental Law) of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic (adopted by the V All-Russian Congress of Soviets at its meeting of July 10, 1918) (ceased to be valid) [Electronic resource]. URL: http://constitution.garant.ru/history/ussr-rsfsr/1918/. (the date of the appeal: August 25, 2017).
4. Constitution (Basic Law) of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (approved by the decision of the Extraordinary VIII Congress of Soviets of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of December 5, 1936) (ceased to be valid) [Electronic resource]. URL: http://constitution.garant.ru/history/ussr-rsfsr/1936/. (the date of the appeal: August 25, 2017).
5. Constitution (Basic Law) of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (adopted at the extraordinary seventh session of the USSR Supreme Soviet of the ninth convocation on October 7, 1977) (ceased to be valid) [Electronic resource]. URL: http://constitution.garant.ru/history/ussr-rsfsr/1977/. (the date of the appeal: August 25, 2017).
Special literature
1. Bulavina MA Trends in the development of the human rights institution in the Russian Federation // Bulletin of the Moscow State Open University. Economy and law. 2013. № 3. P. 48 - 55.
2. Glukhareva L.I. Modern problems of the theory of human rights. M .: Logos, 2004. 380 p.
3. Gulina O.R. Historical roots and features of legal nihilism in modern Russia: Author´s abstract. dis. ... Cand. legal sciences. Ufa, 2002. 32 p.
4. The history of the state and law of foreign countries: Textbook / Ed. K.I. Batyr. M .: Yurayt, 2007. 496 p.
5. Constitutional law of the Russian Federation: Textbook for bachelors / G.N. Komkova, E.V. Kolesnikov, M.A. Lipchanskaya. M .: Yurayt, 2013. 624 p.
6. Locke J. Selected Philosophical Works. M .: Sotsekgiz; State socio-economic publishing house, 1960. T. 2. 560 p.
7. Malko A.V. The category of "legal life": problems of formation // State and law. 2001. No. 5. P. 5 - 13.
8. Matuzov N.I. Legal nihilism and legal idealism as a phenomenon of the Russian political mentality // Law and Life. 2002. № 4 (47). C 28-32.
9. A.I. Medvedev Local government in the formation of a civil society and the rule of law: Author´s abstract. dis. ... Cand. legal sciences. Volgograd, 2000. 28 p.
10. Morozova L.A. Problems of the legal responsibility of the state, its bodies and employees: Materials of the round table // State and law. 2000. № 3. S. 23-25.
11. Nersesyants V.S. Philosophy of Law: Textbook. M .: Norma, 2009. 648 p.
12. Petrov V.R. Deformation of the legal consciousness of the citizens of Russia: problems of theory and practice: Author´s abstract. dis. ... Cand. legal sciences. N. Novgorod, 2000. 30 p.
13. Message from the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of December 12, 2013 [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.kremlin.ru. (the date of circulation: 09/03/2017).
14. Human rights. Results of the century, trends, prospects / Rook. auth. count and rep. ed. E.A. Lukashev. M .: Norma, 2003. 448 p.
15. Human Rights: Textbook / Ed. ed. E.A. Lukashev. M
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