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Digital economy "Synergy" answers (tests 1 semester)
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Content: Цифровая экономика. Тест Синергия ответы.pdf 431,76 kB
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Ready-made answers "Digital Economy Synergy" test 1 semester, score 95/100 points. The questions are listed below. The answers are highlighted in the file.
1. The term digital economy was proposed by Nicholas Negraponte, an American computer scientist in ...
2. The digital economy appeared in ...
3. The development of the digital economy was facilitated by
4. The introduction of information technology has given rise to a range of risks. Which of the following would you attribute to the risks associated with the development of information technology
5.From the proposed options, select judgments about the shortcomings of mobile data transmission:
6. The development of the Internet raises the question of the question of the digital culture of a person, the digital culture of business. Which of the following would you attribute to the digital literacy of the specialist of the future?
7.Digitalization causes technological complication and the disappearance of a number of traditional professions due to the automation of relevant labor operations and, at the same time, the emergence of new professions and an increase in demand for non-algorithmic labor and creativity, the so-called "human in man". What competencies are primarily in demand in the digital economy?
8.From the following, select possible ways to solve Internet fraud problems:
9. The introduction of information technology has given rise to a number of new types of fraud. Choose a concept that characterizes such a type of online fraud as obtaining data from bank cards through special readers, that is, intercepting data during a transaction and fraudulently stealing information from databases?
10. “End-to-end” digital technologies are
11. The digital economy suggests that in the structure of GDP:
12. In Russia, the concept of "smart" production is already being implemented at the enterprises of the transport, aircraft building and rocket and space industries. By 2035, it is planned to launch 40 Russian "smart" "factories of the future". "Smart Factory" is...
13. The combination of which data is personal information that experts on safe behavior on the network recommend not to post at the same time:
14. Media-Asceticism or digital abstinence is
15.What is cloud technology?
16. In the near future, the labor market will be increasingly influenced by the exit of young workers, representatives of generation Z, who use digital technologies almost from birth (digital natives) and have unlimited access to information and developed digital competencies. Their share by 2025 will reach 25% of the total number of employed in the world. What motives are called as key for the professional activity of representatives of generation Z?
17. Which of the following legal acts regulate interactions on the Internet:
18. The beginning of the formation of the digital economy is attributed to the period after 2010, when the economy of developed countries experienced
19.Digital transformation of public administration in Russia made it possible to introduce ...
20. Choose the right judgments about the right to reliable information
21. Which of the following does not apply to modern IT trends in education?
22. Has the era of the digital economy, characterized by cyber fraud, piracy, and industrial espionage, exacerbated the problem of protecting information, personal data, and intellectual property even more? Which regulation protects personal data?
23. Increasing the speed of information exchange and its application requires an increase
Additional information
24. In June 2014, Russian and foreign news agencies received an e-mail message about the resignation of the head of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin, from his post. In a short time, this news spread around all news agencies and news sites. About an hour after the publication of the news, new information appears that the White House press service does not confirm the fact that the resignation press release was sent out. At this time, specialists from one of the media discover that the press release came from an email address that does not match the IP address of the mail service of the press service of the Government of Russia. And, finally, some time later, a “lightning bolt” appears on the news feeds from the press secretary of the prime minister, who reports that the information sent out about the resignation is a fake. Further investigation showed that the resignation message came from a website whose domain name was very similar to the name of the website of the Government of the Russian Federation (aprf.gov.ru is the White House domain, aprf-gov.ru is the domain from which the message was sent). The site itself was located on the server of the Irkutsk Internet provider. The citizen who rented the server did it online and provided false personal data. [According to Izvestia newspaper] What type of fraud did news agencies encounter?
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