Digital transformation in management tests Synergy

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Digital transformation in management tests Synergy

Digital transformation in management Answers to the Synergy test
30 questions - answers for 100 points all correct answers

The auxiliary processes of the Porter model, in particular, include ...
after-sales service, service
human resource management
internal logistics

The main resources of the post-industrial economy include ...
human capital
entrepreneurial ability

The combination of conditions and circumstances that create a certain environment is ...

It is not true that according to the situational model of leadership, according to Fred Fiedler, factors influencing the behavior of leadership include ...
the relationship between leaders and team members
task structure
official powers
organizational culture
socio-psychological climate in the team

Scientists considered the evolution of organizational structures of firm management in the following sequence: ...
linear - functional - divisional - matrix - network
network - matrix - functional - divisional - linear
functional - matrix - network - linear - divisional
divisional - network - linear - matrix - functional

The peculiarities of the formation of the portfolio of employment of the population in the industrial economy include ...
increase in the share of projects completed for contract remuneration
presence of all employment statuses, where work for a salary is most common
a new wave of volunteering development
continuing education

... for the first time highlighting and defining a new approach to management, notes that different situations require different types of knowledge
F. Fiedler
M.P. Follet
J. Lipneck
J. Stamp

The set of components, independent of each other, related to the cognitive and emotional spheres, providing their replacement for effective behavior, is ...

The structure of the classification of processes of the 13-process model includes processes that are divided into main and auxiliary processes ... respectively.
1 to 5 and 6 to 13
1 to 6 and 7 to 13
1 to 7 and 8 to 13
1 to 9 and 10 to 13

It is not true that the key concepts of the theory of the situational approach include ...

... a model is a specific application of a reference model to organize a business in a specific area of ​​activity

Researchers at the McKinsey consulting firm have developed one of the most popular theories of the situational approach in management - the theory ...

It is not true that the card of the business process, according to V.V. Repin, contains a section ...
"Positive achievements"

An environment consisting of a small number of considered factors that dynamically change over time is ... an environment
difficult stable
simple unstable
simple stable
complex unstable

Due to the transition to a post-industrial society, the digitalization of the economy in Russia, the structure of employment has changed, in particular, agriculture and forestry, hunting and fishing for the period from 2005 to 2015: ...
remained unchanged

F. Herzberg identified two areas in employee motivation, they cover six factors, influencing which, the manager can manage motivation, in particular, they include ...
Answer type: Multiple choice
sense of belonging

... provide management of the company both strategically and operatively, for example, personnel management
Main business processes
Supporting business processes
Business development processes
Management business processes

There are several of the most striking and different approaches to the concept of a digital ecosystem, in particular, according to the opinion ... the digital ecosystem is the convergence of three networks: IT networks, social and knowledge exchange
V. Shendrik
E. Chang, M. West
F. N

Additional information

For the first time he introduced the concept of "digital society" ... in his book "Electronic digital society: pros and cons of the era of networked intelligence" in 1999.
V. Shendrik
M. Castells
UNITS Patarakin
D. Tappscot
G. Chesborough

... is a set of elements that make up the unity, their connections and interactions between themselves and the external environment, which form the integrity inherent in this system, qualitative certainty and purposefulness
The aggregate

The process of promoting an innovative product to the market begins with ...
product advertising
protection of intellectual property
market analysis
evaluating the effectiveness of promotion

Speaking about the interdependence of the leader´s style and the situation, Fred Fiedler believed that ...
each situation has its own leadership style, but the style of this or that leader remains generally constant
each situation has its own leadership style, and it is always fickle
leadership style does not change regardless of situations

The project, which involves the reconstruction of enterprises, holding conferences, is ...

Competencies can be divided into three groups: those related to the individual, the interactions of individuals, including the network, and ...

individual activity
individual interaction with management
individual self-esteem
self-criticism of an individual

There are two types of business process modeling: “AS-IS” (“as is”) models and ...
"AS-IT-WAS" ("as it was")
"AS-IT-SHOULD-BE" ("how it should have been")
"AS-TO-BE" ("as it should be")

The structure is a static model of the system and ...
characterizes only its structure, but does not take into account many properties (states) of elements
takes into account many properties (states) of elements, but does not characterize its structure
characterizes its structure and takes into account many properties (states) of elements

... describes the relationship between all participants in the supply chain (from receiving a delivery order to paying an invoice) and contains a library of typical business processes for supply chain management
8-way model
Porter´s model
13-way model
SCOR model

Depending on the duration, projects are short-term, medium-term and long-term; the maximum duration of a medium-term project is ... years

The set of circumstances and conditions that arise, often unforeseen, in the organization is called ... a situation

According to W. Shewhart and E. Deming, it is possible to reduce variations in production according to the necessary criteria by applying the concept of PDCA (..., Do, Check, Act) in management, which means: ..., do, check and act


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