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Diploma assortment policy
Content: Ассортиментная политика.rar 412,5 kB
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Product description
Table of contents
Introduction 5
1 The analysis of approaches to the formation of the range of products for specialized retailer JSC "Hozmebelstroytorg" 7
1.1 General characteristics of specialized commercial enterprise 7
1.2 Analysis of the factors of macro and micro environment Store 21
1.3 Analysis of the range of 36
1.4 Analysis of existing approaches to the formation range 48
1.5 Executive Summary 54
2 Development of approaches to the management of a variety of goods 56
2.1 Recommendations on improving the rules 56
2.2 Features of the introduction of new management approaches range 66
2.3 Calculation of the economic effects of the introduction of new approaches 75
Conclusion 80
Bibliographic list 83
Appendix A 87
Appendix B 88
Appendix 89
Appendix D 90
Appendix E 91
Additional information
ready to graduate work. Assortment management in the commercial enterprise
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1 month | 3 months | 12 months | |
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