Diploma. Collector assembly and welding area

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Product description

Diploma. Collector assembly and welding area Diploma. Collector assembly and welding area Diploma. Collector assembly and welding area Diploma. Collector assembly and welding area Diploma. Collector assembly and welding area Diploma. Collector assembly and welding area Diploma. Collector assembly and welding area Diploma. Collector assembly and welding area

Diploma work on welding "Collector assembly and welding section";
Work language - Russian;
The number of sheets of the graphic part - 7 (format - A1)
Explanatory note pages - 119

1 Development of a technological process for manufacturing a product 7
1.1. Description of the product design and assessment of its manufacturability 7
1.2. Selection of the main material of construction and its characteristics 9
1.3. Specifications for the manufacture of structures 14
1.4 Selection and justification of the method of welding the structure 14
1.5 Selection and justification of the type of welds 21
1.6 Selecting welding parameters 22
1.7 Selection of welding equipment 26
1.8 Selection of consumables 34
1.9 Quality control of product manufacturing 39
1.10 Rationing of the technological process 47
1.11 Selection of forklift trucks 58
1.12 Layout of assembly and welding area 59
2 Design of assembly and welding devices 60
2.1. Requirements for assembly and welding devices 60
2.2 Design of assembly and welding devices 62
3 Economics and organization of production 66
3.1 Initial data for calculating the economic part of the diploma 66
3.2 Calculation of the cost of assembly and welding works 68
3.3 Rationale for cost-effectiveness 80
4 Safety and environmental protection 85
4.1 Analysis of the possibility of negative impacts of the designed technological process on the environment and humans 85
4.2 Safety requirements 87
4.3 Electrical safety 88
4.4 Avoiding the risk of eye and skin damage from arc rays 89
4.5 Preventing the danger of gas poisoning 90
4.6 Avoiding burn hazard 93
4.7 Systems for ensuring the necessary microclimate parameters 94
4.8 Lighting systems 95
4.9 Fire safety systems 96
4.10 Calculation of industrial lighting 97
Conclusion 104
References 105
Appendix A (Route Map) 107
Appendix B (Operational chart of welding) 117

Additional information

Drawings are made in the compass program, saved in .cdw format. Also saved as PDF.


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