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Diploma develop fine motor skills in children 2-3 years
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Product description
Table of contents
Introduction 4
Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of the development of fine motor skills in children of preschool age 8
1.1. The concept of fine motor skills in psychological research 8
1.2.Psihologo - pedagogical features children 2 - 3 years of age 16
1.3. Formation of fine motor skills in young children of preschool age 25
Chapter Summary January 30
Chapter 2. Experimental part 32
2.1. Diagnosis of the level of formation of fine motor skills and coordination of hands 32
2.2 Analysis and interpretation of the results of the study 33
2.3. Develop educational programs of formation of fine motor skills in children 2-3 years 46
2.4. The effectiveness of the developed program 55
Conclusions 57 Chapter 2
Conclusion 60
References 63
Additional information
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