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Diploma Improving working conditions in the plating sho
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Product description
Introduction 6
Chapter 1. Study of working conditions in the FSUE "ONIIP" 9
1.1.Organizatsiya production work in FSUE "ONIIP" 9
1.2.Opredelenie and justification of the necessary number of workers labor protection service 12
1.3.Attestatsiya jobs on working conditions in the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "ONIIP" 17
Chapter 2. The impact of hazardous and harmful factors on workers in electroplating SHOP FSUE "ONIIP" 21
2.1.Analiz impact of harmful factors on workers in the electroplating shop FSUE "ONIIP" 21
2.2.Opredelenie occupations with the most adverse working conditions in the plating shop FSUE "ONIIP" 23
2.3.Analiz certification of workplaces on working conditions in the plating shop FSUE "ONIIP" 26
2.4.Analiz injury of production workers in the electroplating shop FSUE "ONIIP" 30
Chapter 3. Development of organizational and technical measures to improve working conditions in galvanic SHOP FSUE "ONIIP" 34
3.1. The program of measures to improve working conditions in the electroplating shop FSUE "ONIIP" 34
3.2. Suggestions for improving the security of personal protective equipment (PPE) 35
3.3.Meropriyatie Equipment additional locker rooms 36
3.4. The event was to introduce a system of general lighting 37
3.5.Meropriyatiya catering staff 40
3.6.Meropriyatie on the organization of medical examinations of 41
CHAPTER 4.NADEZHNOST technological systems and technological risks 43
4.1.Metodika analyze the reliability of technological systems and technological risks 43
4.2.Rezultaty reliability analysis of technological systems and technological risks 47
CHAPTER 5.RASCHET cost-effective interventions to improve labor conditions 51
5.1. The estimated economic impact 51
Conclusion 56
References 59
Additional information
The uniqueness of the text 44%
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