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Diploma of Enterprise Profitability Management
Refunds: 0
Uploaded: 14.10.2023
Content: 30813115921203.rar 588,28 kB
50 $ | the discount is | 20% |
25 $ | the discount is | 10% |
Product description
Introduction 6
1. Theoretical basis of enterprise profitability 8
1.1.The concept of profitability of the enterprise 8
1.2. Estimation of yield 11
1.3.The management of yield 19
2. Profitability analysis of LLC Alex-Furniture 26
2.2.Analysis of expenses of the enterprise LLC "Alex-Mebel" 29
2.3.Analysis of incomes of the enterprise LLC "Alex-Mebel" 31
2.4.Analysis of financial results of LLC "Alex-Mebel" 47
3. Proposals for improving the profitability of the enterprise 55
3.1. Increase in revenues due to increased sales of LLC Alex-Furniture 55
3.2. Increase in revenues through the opening of a new furniture store 62
Conclusion 67
References 69
Appendices 72
Additional information
There is a report and a presentation.
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1 month | 3 months | 12 months | |
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